Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 230-242 (2008)
X. Ma 1, J.W. Butterworth 2, * and G.C. Clifton 3
1 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
* (Corresponding author: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
3 Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Received: 30 April 2007; Revised: 27 September 2007; Accepted: 3 October 2007
DOI: 10.18057/IJASC.2008.4.3.5
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This paper addresses the problem of determining the relationship between the properties of a composite wall panel, consisting of a thin sheet steel outer skin filled with light weight concrete or similar material, and the initiation of skin buckling. The skin sheet, considered as an infinite thin plate with two clamped lateral edges resting on a tensionless Winkler foundation, is simplified to a one-dimensional mechanical model by assuming a buckling mode function in terms of the lateral coordinates. After the governing differential equations for the plate sections in the contact and non-contact regions have been solved, the problem reduces to two nonlinear algebraic equations. Practical formulas for the buckling coefficient are developed in terms of a non-dimensional filler stiffness factor, defined in terms of the filler properties and its thickness to width ratio. Comparison of the results with existing theory and finite element analyses show good agreement.
Compressive buckling; tensionless Winkler foundations; clamped rectangular plates; local buckling; composite panels
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