Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 322-333 (2015)



Wei-zhen Chen1, Jun Xu1,*, Bo-chong Yan2 and Zhi-ping Wang1
1Department of Bridge Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
2Shanghai Donghua Local Railway Development Co., Ltd, Shanghai, China
*(Corresponding Author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




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Fatigue is one of the main factors that cause the collapse of steel bridges. Anti-fatigue design therefore draws close attention all over the world. The design must have a fatigue load model based upon native traffic load conditions. But the Chinese steel bridge design specification does not include any fatigue load model for anti-fatigue design. So it is imperative to develop the model. This paper proposes a single vehicle fatigue load model and a 5-vehicle fatigue load spectrum model, which are based upon the latest weigh-in-motion data collected from heavily loaded area of China. Taking the effects of multi-vehicle presence into account on the basis of queuing theory, the proposed fatigue load models could be easily adapted to real traffic, thus providing substantial support to the bridge structural fatigue evaluation in the heavily loaded areas of China.



Load model, Fatigue, Highway bridge, Heavily loaded areas


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