DOI : 10.18057/IJASC.2009.5.1.
Technical Papers
New Modeling Technique for Bionic Space Grid Structures
N. Li and Y.Z. Luo
Fatigue Experiments on Very HighStrength Steel Base Material and Transverse Butt Welds
R.J.M. Pijpers, M.H. Kolstein, A. Romeijn and F.S.K. Bijlaard
Modified Elastic Approach for Stability Design of In-Plane Frame Columns
Hou Hetao and Li Guoqiang
Direct Strength Prediction of Lipped Channel Columns Experiencing Local-Plate / Distortional Interaction
N. Silvestre, D. Camotim and P.B. Dinis
Effects of Steel Fibre Reinforcement on the Behaviour of Headed Stud Shear Connectors for Composite Steel-Concrete Beams
O. Mirza and B. Uy
The Structural Behaviour of Composite Connections with Steel Beams and Precast Hollow Core Slabs
Feng Fu